My first styled page

Welcome to my styled page!


  • It tells the browser what type of html it is.
  • A hyperlink is link to another website.
  • You should not use a word processor because they can't modify their source codes.

    STEP 2

  • A selector tells the browser which part of the document is affected by the rule.
  • The color property sets the text color and the background color.
  • The color tag sets all the h4 contents to yellow

    STEP 3

  • The Helvetica font will appear on the title of the page.
  • You include 4 fonts because they are quite similar in shape.

    There should be more here, but I don't know what yet.

    STEP 4

  • The padding property for this example is the padding-left.
  • Em means to multiply the current font size.
  • Li.nav affects the li class=nav.

    STEP 5

  • It gives each item its own white background and a black square.
  • Text-decoreation:none makes sure there is no color to the link.
  • A pseudo-class is a sub class.

    STEP 6

  • Two other borders appearances are dashed and double.

    STEP 7

  • A seperate sheet useful for a large site because it organizes and put everything in order for you.
  • The tag to link a file called "newstyle.css" is
    Made 8 February 2011
    by Mikaela Tumale.